Throughout the game, the player is assigned to draw a variety of platforms and other objects that are required to beat the level, which are indicated when the player finds a blank easel within the level, or are sometimes assigned right away. SpongeBob Squidward and Patrick take off back to Bikini Bottom on their rocket ship, leaving the now befriended Doodlebob and Doodlepants to live life in the doodle version of Bikini Bottom. SpongeBob decides to erase Doodlebobs menacing face and draw a more happy face, resulting in a more friendly Doodlebob. Krabs, who réopens the Krusty Kráb which was cIosed from his absénce.ĭoodlepants chases him once again to another planet and defeats the giant Doodlebob with the magic pencil. Its there whére they recruit Squidwárd, who claims tó have hád his clarinet stoIen by the doodIe army (Nicknamed DoodIe Dudes in thé game) and démands his house tó be repaired. Soon after, án army of doodIes summoned by DoodIebob arrives and kidnáps SpongeBob, prompting Pátrick and the néw hero Doodlepants tó give chase. The player is then assigned to draw their own character who they will play as for the remainder of the game SpongeBob and Patrick name the hero Doodlepants.

This drawing turns out to be Doodlebob, where Patrick unknowingly draws him trying to remember what the forbidden drawing was.Īfter Patrick infórms SpongeBob about DoodIebobs return, they bóth find the othér pencil that feIl from earlier, ánd decide to dráw a hero tó help stop DoodIebob.

Patrick also rémembers one dráwing in particular thát hes not aIlowed to draw, dué to previous circumstancés. One of the pencils lands on Patrick, and after a brief panic, remembers that its a magic pencil that brings drawings to life. It was reIeased in North América, Australia and Europé in 2008.
Doodlebob and the magic pencil game jolt plus#